Our Service: Chinese website Design & Development; Travel portal promotion; O2O Campaign; Alipay payment
The client: De Hoge Veluwe National Park is the most famous Dutch national park and one of the largest continuous nature reserves in the Netherlands.
Activity: NextportChina and De Hoge Veluwe have already closely working together to make the Park ‘China-ready’ for several years now. In our role as preferred China partner we developed De Hoge Veluwe’s China-hosted website (hogeveluwe.cn), generated exposure on the key online travel (review) portals, developed Chinese brochures and audio tour translations and developed and executed successful O2O-campaigns. In the autumn of 2017 NextportChina integrated Alipay in the Park’s point of sale terminals. Chinese visitors can now pay their entrance ticket via their Alipay wallet.
The result: Due to NextportChina efforts De Hoge Veluwe National Park is quickly rising as one of the top tourists’ destinations for Chinese tourists outside Amsterdam.